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Kenya2016-01-18_Serah Patrick
Photo Randy Vanderveen
Machakos, Kenya
Serah Kaickye Mumo lives with HIV. She and Patrick Ngumbau, her 17 year old son were diagnosed the same time. Patrick is a member of the OVC ) Orphans and Vulnerable Children program run by CBM partners at the African Brotherhood Church (ABC).Sarah earns money by buying and selling mangos and other fruit, using that money to buy charcoal which she package up in smaller amounts and spends the afternoon selling to raise money for both she and her son.
Machakos, Kenya
Serah Kaickye Mumo lives with HIV. She and Patrick Ngumbau, her 17 year old son were diagnosed the same time. Patrick is a member of the OVC ) Orphans and Vulnerable Children program run by CBM partners at the African Brotherhood Church (ABC).Sarah earns money by buying and selling mangos and other fruit, using that money to buy charcoal which she package up in smaller amounts and spends the afternoon selling to raise money for both she and her son.